Chosen Publisher-Author


My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
    I address my verses to the King;
    my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

Psalm 45:1, English Standard Version, (ESV)

Kathryn Joy Foster, Publisher and Author


Kathryn humbly says that “she is the scribe for the Lord; day by day she is becoming a better listener to the small, still voice of God.”


In the beginning, was the Word. Now that same Word has been made flesh, Jesus Christ through the heart of Kathryn Joy Foster. Sitting quietly and penning poetry as a teenager marked the beginning of her writing experience. Kathryn then entered several writing contests and won two scholarships from the Martha Holden Jennings Scholarship toward her college education. Creating lyrics added a twist to her versatile style as Kathryn moved from penning poetry to songwriting at 18 years old.

The divine prompting to select some of the topics authored first seemed like adding the same old information to an already flooded market. She thought there wasn’t a need to explore or release what was to her a sure sign of duplication to the public. Being obedient to Holy Spirit’s voice, she was amazed as the mysteries of the kingdom of God unfolded. Kathryn humbly says that “she is the scribe for the Lord; day by day she is becoming a better listener to the small, still voice of God.”

Surrendering herself to possess the pen of a ready writer for the Spirit of God, Kathryn inquisitively devoted innumerable hours to receiving transforming secrets from above through study, prayer, fasting, and meditation on the Word. Equally as important, the revelation of the truth was derived from first-hand instruction and experiences that add indisputable evidence to their authenticity. This continuous effort interprets the commanding Word of God more concisely. Greater clarity and comprehension increase holistic life applications, first of all in Kathryn’s own daily life. It has compelled her to lend her eyes, ears, and heart to experience an improved quality of life in Christ, which each publication shares with its reader and/or listener. 


“Earlier in 2016, I began preparing to give a presentation believing that I had received the mind of Christ on what was to be delivered. What I thought was final was only just the first draft. I had a dream where I heard these two words, ‘Surrender composing!’ From that day, I began to see the transformation of that message as well as others, not just the mere tradition behind it. There is so much more of the Lord that He desires us to experience from His head, His heart. and His hands,” says Foster as she ponders on having an identical or even heightened supernatural impact on her audiences with every planned and proposed future release.